We have always been committed to anticipating and adopting new technologies
that improve our ability to deliver the highest service quality. The New Technology;
Flood Infusion.
What is Flood Infusion?
It’s an innovative product, which penetrates deeply into
the substrate and crystallized, providing in-depth sealing.
No need to hack your floor tiles
Prevents algae growth
Seals fine hairline cracks
It's permanent and transparent
Excellent ultra-violet and heat resistant
Application Areas?
Tiled Toilet, Kitchen Floor, Concrete Rooftop, Car Park
Deck, Balcony, Staircase, Corridor and Inter-floor.
How to do it?
(1) Surface Preparation, (2)Actual Application,
(3)Finishing and (4)Curing. In total, it requires about
24 Hrs.
Our Guarantee
Unity extends it's ONE(1) YEAR Standard Guarantee to
this service as well. Terms and Conditions apply.
Further Information
For more detailed information about the New Technology,
you may take a look at our Technical Brochure.